
A Democratization of Approaches: Integrating Citizen Science Into the Museum Visitor Experience

Many natural history and science museums are engaging with citizen science and are beginning to explore its interpretation in their exhibitions. However, it is not always apparent to the museum visitor that citizen science is something in which they can become involved. This thesis posits that the integration of citizen science into typical museum experiences, such as exhibitions and programmatic spaces, could help to raise awareness of and encourage participation in citizen science. It would also help to communicate museums’ commitment to creating a practice of citizen science with their communities. This thesis draws parallels between citizen science as a democratic process of science and the sharing of curatorial authority through participatory design techniques such as community curation. The project application explores design considerations for interpreting and practicing citizen science within the museum environment, and proposes a schematic design solution for a hybrid exhibition-programmatic space. By fully integrating citizen science into all of their activities, museums can become crucial forums for civic engagement in science, thereby democratizing the scientific process and the process of creating exhibitions and programs.

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